Do you sometimes think that If you just have been more like so and so or do things like this person or look like that person, you would be so amazing, beautiful and successful? That has been my whole life. According to other people (parents) there was always someone I should try to be like. I rebelled as much as I could but some things did stick. It’s not bad to want to be like someone else. After all, it’s a self survival mechanism. But it should never get to the point that you feel uncomfortable being yourself. It should never get to the point that you stress about moments when people discover what’s hiding under all that make up. Imagine quiet the opposite, a feeling of wanting to open up, of wanting people discover who you are and what you are about. Btw that’s why I love my Facebook cover picture. It’s a waste of time wanting to change to be someone else while instead, you could be tuning and harmonizing yourself with YOUR higher self; with YOUR true amazingness; with YOUR true beauty; with YOUR true intelligence. Today I want to invite you to harmonize yourself with yourself. It’s so simple and so beautiful. Just sit in easy pose and find your pulse with the fingers of one hand. Be patient use three fingers along your wrist. Close your eyes and feel your pulse. Think Sat (truth) on pulse 1 and Nam (name, identity) on pulse 2 and repeat for as long as you want. The longer you do it, the better you will feel.
The mantra means I am truth or my identity is truth. Embed it into your heart beat. With every pulse with every breath remember who you are, that what you are is the truth, that you don’t need permission to be how you want to be, that you are good, that you are holy.
That you don’t need to patch your personality from other people’s strengths, that you can just shine your own amazing light and be who you truly desire to be and as good as you want to be. Sat Nam. |
Why are you not more like that successful friend of yours?