Kundalini Yoga and 7 Steps to Learn the Language of Intuition

Intuition is every person’s birth right. What no one tells you is that intuition is your connection with your soul. It is a deeply personal conversation with a part of you that has a larger perspective. Learning to understand intuitive voice is like learning another language. What you use this language to express or who… Continue reading Kundalini Yoga and 7 Steps to Learn the Language of Intuition

Do you want to take a better care of your body?

If you want to take another little step to take care of your body, you should watch this video and practice it 🙂 Let me try to convince you. Imagine this situation. You are in a fancy health food store and the cashier is ringing you up while putting groceries in your canvas bag. Now, imagine what… Continue reading Do you want to take a better care of your body?