This last section is a perfect summary of what the experience of living on Earth is like.
All that is good,
All that is bad,
Are equally embraced
In the presence of the Divine
Under the command of Divine Law.
The world is a playground for us to experience life in this universe. It is a limited experience held in check by the two nurses the night and the day.
There is no great punishing God in heaven. Everything is allowed. It is YOU yourself who knows when you are on the path of truth and when you are off.
You can take as much time as you need to find the Truth. The truth here in Japji is more like Goodness or Originality. Something like Plato’s world of ideals.
What is false is what is removed from that source of goodness.
But the most important note of Japji in my opinion is the last bit:
Who meditate
In the core
Of their being
Who earn themselves
Through their hard work—
Their faces are radiant and beautiful
And so very many who are connected with them Are liberated, too.
When you meditate, when you do the hard honest work on yourself, you begin to shine and you will help those around you automatically.