Mool Mantra – Prosperity and Karma

I thought I was done talking about prosperity when and important idea came to me while washing dishes.

There is one more prosperity block and that’s – KARMA.


What is Karma and how it can block you?

Everyone heard of karma but maybe you don’t realize how deep it runs and how even against your best intentions, it can be leading you off in to more trouble that you have not asked for (at least not consciously).


If you live your life expecting something from others and than in return blaming them for not delivering what you were expecting, you create karma. If you help others so that they will help you, you create karma.

Instead the highest life or what we call the life of dharma is when you don’t expect, don’t blame others for anything. You go along with your life and try to do it to the best of your ability. Without holding back because what will people think. Without doing things just to impress others. You do things because you find them important, beautiful, fulfilling, and deeply pleasurable.


Where does the prosperity come in?

Well Prosperity creates Ego which creates a lot of Karma, that might go along with you for many years and life times. Most likely you are here to clear your already existent karma, so you don’t want to load more on top.

That’s why it is a good idea to clear karma to receive prosperity.

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