Meditation that makes me feel like this


Can meditation feel like this and still be a good thing?

I always say that meditation is just a form of mind exercise and following meditation is a proof.

Your body doesn’t run on coffee; it runs on breath.


Do you know what happens when you take control of your breath and start to pay attention to it and even go as far as to regulate it?

 You’ll step into the driving seat of your body, mind and your life.

Here is the truth. You are very powerful human being. You can have the life you want, you can be happy all the time and have anything you desire. The first step is to start breathing consciously.


When you practice something like 1 minute breath you might feel you are under tremenous tension as if you put on breaks of a fast moving train.


All you need to do in situation like that is tell yourself relax,…relax,… relax.


While practicing breath control, you are teaching yourself to have mental control over your life, your emotions and desires and to not let them run your life.


You are also teaching yourself to handle stress.
Go ahead and watch the video below for instructions for Meditation for Mental Control with One Minute Breath


All the wisdom is already inside you.


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