Gurus over the years claimed that this body is just like clothes we put on in the morning. They said it is our soul that is the integral part of us. The body changes from a day to day, from a year to year and from a lifetime to lifetime. The soul on the other hand, doesn’t know anything about the limits of time and space. It is unchanging and indestructible.
Soul identifies with unlimited qualities, while the body knows all about limitations.
How can these two communicate with one another?
Guru Nanak asks:
“So dar keha so ghar keha, sit bah sarab samale”
Where is that door, what is that home in which you sit and look after everything? He ask where is that connection through which these two worlds can communicate?
This bridge, he answers to himself, can be found in a countless forms of sound and vibration.
For example through repetition of what I call “the unlimited mantra” like Ajai Alai, body and mind can be enriched by the essence of the soul. The body as if rises from its own limitations to meet the unbound experience of the soul.
In that way more light from the soul is embedded in the body and more talents, memories can be developed by the person.
The pain and heaviness scatters as the light pours in. But just like turning on the light takes electricity; it takes a little effort to get into a meditation open your channel and let the light seep in.
Perfection is no needed for the light to shine through only a little effort of the body to rise up and meet the unlimited nature of the soul.
That’s why we chant the most powerful words that speak of the unlimited nature of the soul:
Ajai Alai – Invincible, Indestructible.
Abhai Abai – Fearless, Unchanging.
Abhoo Ajoo – Unformed, Unborn.
Anaas Akaas – Imperishable, Etheric
Aganj Abhanj – Unbreakable, Impenetrable.
Alakkh Abhakkh – Unseen, Unaffected.
Akaal Dy-aal – Undying, Merciful
Alaykh Abhaykh – Indescribable, Uncostumed.
Anaam Akaam – Nameless, Desireless.
Agaah Adhaah – Unfathomable, Incorruptible.
Anaathay Pramaathay – Unmastered, Destroyer.
Ajonee Amonee – Beyond birth, Beyond silence.
Na Raagay Na Rangay – Beyond love, Beyond color.
Na Roopay Na Raykhay – Beyond form, Beyond shape.
Akarmang Abharmang – Beyond karma, Beyond doubt.
Aganjay Alaykhay – Unconquerable, Indescribable.:
That’s why we interlace our fingers and put our arms up so that we open the channels in our body to let the light in. (fingers are on the inside fo the palms)

And that’s why we hold it for 11 minutes so that the light can settle in all the cells, organs and atoms of the body.
Enjoy this meditation and let me know how it feels 🙂
Sat Nam
Zita Harkaran