Your heart has an electromagnetic field and that field is related to the heartbeat of the universe. This is a protective field for your soul so it doesn’t get hurt by life’s experiences.
Your heart field can be strong, weak, or misaligned, nevertheless, it is always there.
Our hearts experienced many forms of shocks and pain in the past few years, therefore I would love to invite you to try this meditation for protection and projection from the heart.
This meditation aligns your heart with the universal heart and will feel loved and you will notice signs of that love in your real life.
Meditation for Projection and Protection from the Heart

AAD GURAY NAMEH (i bow to the Primal Wisdom)
JUGAAD GURAY NAMEH (i bow to the Wisdom through the ages)
SAT GURAY NAMEH(i bow to the True Wisdom)
SIRI GUROO DAYVAY NAMEH (i bow to the great, unseen Wisdom)
Posture: Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh.
Mudra & Movement:
- Place the palms together at the Heart Center in Prayer Pose. The thumbs are crossed.
- Extend your arms at a 45 degree angle up while chanting “Aad Guray Nameh.”
- Inhale and bring the hands back to the heart center.
- Extend your arms again and chant “Jugaad Guray Nameh.”
- Inhale and bring the hands back to the heart center.
- Again extend the arms up, as you chant: “Sat Guray Nameh.”
- Inhale and bring the hands back to the heart center.
- Finish the sequence extending the arms up as you chant “Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh.”
- Inhale and return the hands again to Prayer Pose at the Heart Center.
- The full extension of the arms is timed to the chant.
- Project the mind out as you chant.
The Mangala Charan Mantra surrounds the magnetic field with protective light. It is said that this meditation can give you an enchanting, magnetic personality. It is recommended to master the 5th of the ten bodies, the physical body.
Instructions from