Your Ultimate Manifestation Meditation

Yogi Bhajan said that if you want to manifest something, you have to do it from the sixth chakra – Your Third eye.

In my previous job I used work with a lot of interns. Looking back, it’s almost unreal how easy it was to tell who is made for greater things or who will be successful in life. It’s not they were were in some way trying to look special. Quite the opposite, they were usually the most humble ones, the hard but smart working ones and the friendliest. But each of them as if had their luck and future written on their forehead. I tried my best to give those interns as many opportunities as I could offer to them because I knew they’ll be able to handle it.


We write our destiny on our forehead unconsciously through all of our thoughts.

Imagine what would happen when you write it consciously and instead of negative thoughts and blocks that you perceive, you place there your vision and your dream.

I believe that if you work on your Third Eye and project your future through it, all of life circumstances will help you achieve it. People and spirit will give you opportunities according to what’s invisibly written on your forehead and in your radiant body.


This meditation is a complete package for the Third eye and manifestation.

  1. It will center you into your neutral channel.
  2. It will help you remove and erase any perceived blocks that you see in your way.
  3. It will strengthen the beam of your Third Eye to visualize that what you want.


Most of the time this meditation is taught on New year but, New Moon is just as perfect time to do it or if you like to start the 40 day practice.

PS: we have thousands, million, gazillion little blocks in our mind. Generally, they stem from expecting things to go exactly how we imagined them while we overlook that there might be better, easier option.

Don’t waste your time on removing your blocks, instead, try to find the way around it. Train your mind to see open road, and possibilities instead of what is not right.
That is what zeroing out your thoughts and negative thoughts will help you with.

Anyway, give this meditation a chance it might just change your point of view on life forever.


If you missed the part 1 of this series. Please check this out.

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