Many people mistakenly claim that Lady Chatterley’s Lover is about class or about death of English aristocracy. The book is about humans vs machines. It is about true human nature vs the artificially created one. It is about destruction of the natural within us.
D. H. Lawrence proposes here that by loosing connection to the Earth we loose touch with our inherent humanity and with that also an ability to love, to feel and eventually to have children. We loose our manhood.
This book was written little less than 100 years ago. How would D. H. Lawrence feel right now?
Since then we have progressed further past a simple industrialism and we entered the age of computers and AI. I can’t say it is all bad. Technology brought new enlightenment to the planet. It brought us closer together and allowed for information to spread with incredible speed.
But if H D Lawrence thought manhood was dying 100 years ago, what about now?
I can’t positively say what does manhood mean for him. Maybe it is an ability to bring forward strong, wise children. It could mean to be self-aware, to have strong pro human values, to be able to stand up for human virtues like honesty, honor, spirituality, love, culture, courage and vitality. I don’t know, what you think he means?
Today’s industrialists are meddling their hands in expectation of technology getting way ahead of sleeping, drugged, self-absorbed and vain humans. With all the background information available, selling to us anything is a piece of cake. Government is keeping close eye on private thoughts and ideas. We go to botanical gardens as if to the museum and even have Museum of sex.
And the planet itself? We all know her story.
Yet we needed to get to this stage of technology, we needed to have access to communication technology. We needed knowledge and information sharing to become easily accessible in order to learn more about the truth. We needed it all so that new human consciousness can rise up and so that we can elevate ourselves from the dark age of humanity.
We need it like a mirror to surpass all those things destroying us and find the value within. I know it sounds cheesy but greed, egotism are not working for anyone.
We need to elevate our human potential.
The current magnates like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates even to some degree Elon Musk believe that machines are way more superior to humans.
I would like to claim that human mind is the most powerful computer out there because it is not plugged in to the basic internet but to the knowledge of the universe.
And once it is developed to be used in synchronicity of that infinite knowledge there can be nothing that will surpass it. We are only at the beginning of this development.
Let’s wake up from the daze of the digital world. Let’s not allow the ease of life make us lazy, do not go to sleep, to fantasize, to escape. Our presence and our work and our original mind is needed in the real world.
Human mind is way more powerful than any super computer that can ever be built. One of its powers is the intuition, another one is the connection with the heart which allows us to have fulfilling life. A life in which we don’t need million gadgets, new cars every year, or to eat more food that we can metabolize.
I see a bright future. In the future we have incredible technology that allows us a lot of free time to devote ourselves to carrying for nature, growing some of the most nutritious food possible. We have new species of fruit and veggies and they are so delicious no one thinks about cooking them. We have time to discover what the human body is really capable of. We love deeply, we care, we are aware of impact of every action we take. We have few belongings and what we have we readily share. Everyone would rather live with as little stuff as possible. It’s just our new mentality because the less things you have the easier it is for you to be a jet-setter, or teleporting traveler.
Zita Harkaran