How to unwind after a long day (sans alcohol)

I have a special treat for you.

If you are like me, doing thousand things at once while keeping an eye on your child. There is always a chance you forget something. Your attention is split between cooking diner, feeding baby, cleaning up and maybe even watching tv, oh yeah and I can even fit in bath time and sleepy time, all of it, while my pasta overcooks :(. I fall a little short of superwoman, I know.


It all takes a toll on one busy mom.
After it’s all done and asleep
She sits down to watch TV
with complimentary ice cream
But that just makes her grim
Not tonight, she says, tonight
I will spend time with my breath.
(I apologize for this tacky poem. I have no idea where the urge to rhyme comes from, but bare with me. I need to get it out of my system.)

I’ve created this amazing meditation, which you can do anywhere, anytime, except maybe when you are driving, I do not recommend it then.

In 5 minutes you are going to feel like as if someone has retuned Yourself to You. You will be focused, creative and joyful. As if you’d drank a fresh glass of water on a hot summer day.

Sounds like a bologni? I dare you to try it and use it anytime you need it.

This meditation is especially excellent to do after a long day at work when you need to bring your thoughts on a different frequency.

The video part of it is not too shabby either. Nothing to do with me, I was just participating. It was filmed by my dear hubby at my brother’s house in Nice, France. I LOVE the view of the Mediterranean sea or as they call it, Cote D’Azur. Thank you Tim and Rastik 🙂

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