How to Thrive in Information Heavy World

Over million of years of human evolution we have been learning information through our senses. That was our primary source.

While living in a civilization we also started to receive a lot of secondary information through someone’s writing, story telling, photography, art.

Now we are in the next huge shift in which MOST of our information that we receive comes to us through mind, 0s and 1s of computer language. This information is subsequently even more adjusted by the narrative source like an online store you shop in or the news you watch. Very little of what we are being told actually correlates with our sensory primary source of information.

Have you ever wonder what it does to human psyche?

In my next video on Mind Sovereignty, I go deeper into this subject.

We are heading towards sort of a technocratic world, world we have never experienced before.

Let’s head over there carefully and mindfully reminding ourselves what’s important. These are my tips.

They say history is written by the winners.

I say the present is written by the tech world.

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