How to fall asleep easier.


So if you don’t care about your health you might as well stop reading right now.

I love routines. I especially love my breakfast routine. I love having a cup of tea or decaf coffee with bagel, butter and cucumber or tomato or jelly. Literary and analogically, my breakfast is my bread and butter.

The same way, I love my evening routine which is much more flexible and always different but there are few important things I do before the bed.

One of them is I connect with my breath. I don’t necessarily do a meditation but I start breathing consciously, deeply, letting my exhales be longer than my inhales.

Sometimes when I know I need a little unwinding from the excitement of the day, I do a Meditation for Rejuvenation with 4 stroke breath. It helps my body and mind to relax and step into the nurturing and relaxing mode. After that, my sleep is simply ‘dreamy’.

Your body is pretty smart and can function very well without you caring about it,

BUT when you do, when you consciously show your body the direction it should go in, it much obligingly follows you down that path.

And this is what I do when I do this meditation. I show my body a way to rejuvenate and restore itself and when I hit the pillow and fall asleep, my body gets to ‘work’ right away and I wake up refreshed from a wonderful deep sleep.

Being able to direct the energy of your body in the right direction, is the beginning of a long lasting friendship between your body and yourself that can safely take you for an adventurous, healthy and long life journey.

In this video I share few tips to help you fall asleep easier and the Meditation for Rejuvenation is at the end.

Enjoy and please let me know, do you have an evening routine that you love to do? If yes please share what it is?

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