How to conquer automatic negative response?

Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash

Separation is an illusion.

This belief that each of us has separate soul which is bound to our physical body is keeping us stuck and blind. But most of all, it hurts our soul. 

For centuries many sages have tried to explain what soul is and for centuries the idea of the soul has been misconstrued. At this point, some people are not even sure whether they have a soul.

A term soul has old timely, religious connotations. In today’s language, it could be best described by the word consciousness. Consciousness is like a invisible radio waves that everything in cosmos emits.


Each ‘thing’ has its own signature of consciousness emission. Wood sends out very different feel than a concrete. A cat very different vibe from a bird. 

Yet, in its essence, “it all sings the song of the divine” and merges into ONE vibration. So nothing is ever separate, nor limited. (Guru Nanak)

Our own consciousness is not limited to our own body, nor to the time and space this body lives in. Our consciousness can reach out beyond our body to our environment and communicate with animals, plant life and of course also with consciousness’ of others. It can be remembered for centuries. It is also not limited to this planet.

When I walk outside, I stretch my awareness to birds, squirrels and cats I see. I feel ourselves being part of the same world. 
The more we come to feel the truth of our connectedness, the more we step into our predestined role of human being, light of this universe.

But most of all, we will finally free ourselves from clutches of loneliness and constant feeling of separation.

Consciousness does not like to be confined. It degenerates into anxiety or depression and sometimes it can even get possessed by darkness (this is another interesting topic for next time). 

But the main reason why I write this is to share a powerful mantra with you that releases your consciousness from whatever limited circuits it is stuck in. These circuits are like invisible walls from movies in which a character feels like they are free but when they try to leave, they realize they can’t.

 One of such invisible energetic boundaries can be words that you repeat to yourself over and over. “I can’t”, “this will never happen to me”, “I am not strong”, “I am tired”, “nothing ever changes”. But they can be told to you by your parents as you are growing up or they can be narrated by culture, or news. These narratives are hypnotizing you into limitation. As an hypnotherapist I can assure you, it is easy.

However as a hypnotherapist and a meditation teacher I want to show you a way to impress new and empowering idea on your mind.

You can use a word “VICTORY”.

 What if you could replace negative thought patterns that in themselves become your own limitations and self fulfilling prophecies, with idea of success and victory? 

This is how you do it. Whenever your mind thinks of something challenging which would otherwise bring out your automatic negative response (ANR), take a deep breath and think: VICTORY. It’s best if you break up the word into three parts VI-CTO-RY and then exhale. 

Please also consider using this mantra in any situation of success no matter how small it is.

Use it even though it is hard for you to believe it. It might take a long time to break those energetic walls, but eventually you will do it and new colorful world will be at your disposal.  

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