The Word Principle of Magic

The basic features of light and dark magic can be seen everywhere in our everyday life. Light and dark magic is not something marginal that has been eradicated from our rational, civilized society. It is present till this very day and it is as common as words we speak everyday.
In this post I am going to attempt to shed some light on this topic in hope of helping you see that no matter what the magic is, you hold all the power within you.

The Power of the word:

We know that words have power. It is even said that God created everything with his word.  Spells are made out of the words as well. 

In the world of unlimited possibilities, words give names to objects, people, emotions, actions, they separate colors. However there are always more emotions, actions, people,…than we have words for. Words simplify and contextualize our world. Philosophers would argue that language is the matrix of the reality we live in. What a spiritual teacher will tell you is that this reality is malleable. You can break the boundaries of your reality with the words you use. 
And you don’t even have to change the structure of the whole language to do that.

All you have to do is start using new words, new verbs, in new tenses and in new conditions and you will live in a NEW reality. It’s that simple.
White and black magic both use this exact power of the words to shift your reality. It’s really remarkable if you are aware of this power.

However, your true power lies whether you accept the words as your reality or you refuse them.

White and Black Magic

The basic difference between white and black magic is the intention, the tools, and of course the result. 
White magic uses energy that illuminates, supports, and expands the divine power within you. Black magic uses energy that limits, belittles you, and takes your divine power away from you.   
We are surrounded by both of these powers on daily basis. 
Here is a simple example of white word magic

In this example, the words are used to help you gain what you might desire by promoting a healthy habit. Of course, you can refuse this statement as not true. You can also try it out to see if it works. If you try it, you will gain a healthy habit and possibly also few new friends. You’ll gain new friends not only because you are brushing your teeth, but because you are taking action towards the goal of wanting new friends. The pure awareness and focus, backed with action (even if only distantly connected) will get you closer to your goal. 
In Kundalini Yoga we offer few ‘hooks’ like that for people (recite this for money, this for relationship,…). But the hook is to help you expand. It is there to empower you. It will help you establish a healthy habit of meditation and movement. Maybe for some, this sounds like heresy but in the Age of Aquarius, it is important to see reality clearly without assigning unknown power to it. 
Through your sadhana which has a certain goal, you are taking action toward that goal and you are remembering your commitment to your goal. The rest is just waiting for the opening to come so you can seize your opportunity.
Practicing White magic is not harmful in any way. Quiet opposite, it promotes good habits, it breaks through your limitations, and it will empower you. 

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you by chance reverse this statement into “If I won’t brush my teeth, I will lose all my friends” you have basically created dark energy force which limits you.

Now on to the black magic:

Here is a simple, innocent looking sentence with power to create limitation with just one utterance. Just as with the white magic sentence, you can ignore the statement or believe it or ponder it. But with black magic words someone can just say it once you will be hooked. 
Dark magic uses a ‘hook’ as well but the hook is dark, scary and promises to bring negative consequences. 
I am not going to discuss whether it is true or not.

What hooks you though is the congnitive dissonance of the statement. The mind can’t comprehend it immediatly or logically therefore it can’t refuse it.
But let’s take look at it: The intention is to limit you (stop whistling) and the result is negative and fearful (you might lose your money). 
The act and the result have no logical connection, it is confusing so your mind surrenders and most likely you will say to yourself: ‘To stay safe I will stop whistling inside, after all, it’s not a big deal, and that way I keep my money safe.’ Notice the familiar promise of safety. 
If you don’t immediately refuse the statement, it is as if someone has thrown a dark cloud over a part of your life (the happy whistling part). Dark magic always scares us, it creates fear in order to limit you and surrender your trust and power. 

How do you get out of a dark magic spell? 

  1. Awareness – by standing in Your power and seeing through the mechanism of the trick. It is like seeing a monster during the daylight or like uncovering a tiny little man working behind the curtain as a big and terrible Wizard of Oz. 
  2. Refuse to accept it as truth in your life.
  3. White magic – practices that cancel out and erase the dark magic. If the dark has been accumulating you need consistent light practice

In conclusion

You are a child of God, protected and loved. You are a sovereign being who creates his or her life every day and every minute. You were created perfectly to live out your dharma. Your body is strong, healthy and you are always careful making money decisions 😉. 

It is natural for money to come and go, no amount of whistling will influence it. 
Words and how we use them, fundamentally influence our reality and our future. But without you assigning power to the words they mean nothing. 

You are the creator of meaning. You hold the power over your life. 
Bring it back the power to you and surrender worrying about things you can’t control. Find time everyday to think on your own, to ponder things without influence, to meditate and deeply listen.
Start testing out how it feels to trust yourself and your experience. 

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