I’m sure you know the story on 3 pigs and the bad wolf but if you don’t, Bible has a similar story of a man who tried to build a house on sand, on rock,…
The metaphor is about how strong are your roots, your faith, … and it also could be applied to your self-value.
Does your sense of self-worth crumbles when one storm comes or does it stand strong and proud in the face of the worst hurricanes?
I have been at the point when I couldn’t find one solid rock to build my self-worth on
There were years when I only had left over rocks from my past life and I was trying to build something new out of them. I didn’t have much self trust, self-worth or self-reliance. I needed to build it, one rock at the time.
I had to look and dig far, wide and deep within myself.
Fortunately, the process itself was fun because I not only found steady rocks but I also found beautiful crystals, silver and gold.
I’m sure have been doing it as well but maybe you are doubtful about whether what you are finding is worth anything.
Guru Nanak’s Treasure Meditation is like a guide that will point out clearly what are the treasures of who you are.
This meditation will take these treasures and separate them from dirt, polish them and will make you a beautiful crown to wear.
it’s oh so metaphoric 🙂
(in its essence a crown is a symbol of worth. It is placed around the crown chakra. Those that discover treasures within themselves, wear them like an invisible crowns around their heads.)