Deep Spiritual Healing for the Soul with Ra Ma Da Sa Meditation

These days I am remininded of how little control do we have in life. Therefore, I am allowing myself to suspend all attempts of control. From trying to influence other people opinions, to trying to make the world a better place. 

Instead I choose chant and prayer. 
It’s definitely NOT scientifically proven that it helps anything what’s so ever. But it allows me to suspend my need for control and helps me find that neutral state of being in TRUST. 
It makes me feel I am doing something while I might not be doing much and that might be just the thing that’s needed. 


“Means Sun, Moon, Earth Infinity we are all part of that”

Healing, in ancient Eastern medicine means bringing back to balance. We live in the world of polarities, we don’t have a choice to choose one or the other, the good or bad, the yin or yang, right or the left. Let’s hold these polarities in balance. This meditation allow you to hold the neutral state within you.

This video includes my short statement on how I feel about Kundalini Yoga going forward from our current upheaval. Second part of the video is about Ra Ma Da Sa meditation for healing which you can choose to do with me.

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