Mudra: Touch each thumb to the base of the Mercury (pinky) fingers. Close the rest of the fingers over the thumbs to form fists. Raising the arms, begin a back stroke type movement over the head, alternating each side (right/left) as you swing up, over, and back around again. Breath: Through O-shaped mouth, begin strong,… Continue reading Fists of Anger
How is universe created 8th pauri of Japji
In this pauri Guru Nanak zooms out his perspective and helps us see the organizing principle of everything. When we (the people of the 21st century) look at nature, we understand it as a set of fixed laws of physics that were set and work seamlessly without consciousness. That’s what we learn in school. We… Continue reading How is universe created 8th pauri of Japji
Jupiter Kriya Challenge
WHAT: practicing Jupiter Kriya for full 62 minutes WHEN: Every Sunday at 7 am (New York time zone) This is a powerful meditation and once-a-week practice is sufficient. WHERE: on ZOOM WHY: Business prosperity, heart healing, depression recovery HOW LONG: 40 weeks START: October 23rd 2022 SIGN UP: via Patreon Sadhana and Books You can… Continue reading Jupiter Kriya Challenge
Jupiter Kriya for business intuiton
Powerful prosperity meditation that will bring lots of wealth and opportunities to you. It will also show you your mental blocks. It will show you ways in which you are blocking yourself. So please pay attention. It is also a powerful antidepressant. It brings a lot of prana and oxygen into your body and helps… Continue reading Jupiter Kriya for business intuiton
Fame, Fortune, and Your Value: 7th pauri of Japji
At the core of the western materialistic idealogy, which is rooted in capitalism is the idea that everything has a price and that price gives the product its value. Consequently, in this worldview, the value of a person is also dependent on price. Everyone strives to present themselves as valuable by the clothes they wear,… Continue reading Fame, Fortune, and Your Value: 7th pauri of Japji
Longevity kriya
Keeping Your Body Beautiful Kriya
Green Energy Experience 2022
If Leo season is about enjoying life, going on adventures, and being extravagant, Virgo season calls us back home, back to ourselves our health, and invites us to focus on achievement. Therefore for the 3rd year around, I like to introduce you to Green Energy Experience 4 week course daily 30 minutes yoga and meditation… Continue reading Green Energy Experience 2022
What are some of the ways to use Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) for?
What are some of the ways to use Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) for? 1. Relationship Healing Remove blind spots, karmic patterns, and beliefs that hold you in an unsatisfying relationship or without one. 2. Business Consultation Do you want to get to another level in your business or career? Have questions about a specific… Continue reading What are some of the ways to use Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) for?
Salok of Japji – brings self-satisfaction, elevation, acknowledgment, and respect.
This last section is a perfect summary of what the experience of living on Earth is like. All that is good,All that is bad,Are equally embracedIn the presence of the DivineUnder the command of Divine Law. The world is a playground for us to experience life in this universe. It is a limited experience held… Continue reading Salok of Japji – brings self-satisfaction, elevation, acknowledgment, and respect.