Ajai Alai Meditation for Radiant Body

Every time I try to explain the power of Kundalini Yoga I come up short or worst, I’m seen as a light headed new age dreamer.

Oh  well, let me take it to another level.

There are so many fans of Star Wars talking about the force, the light and other supernatural powers, yet, it is exactly the same fans that are too afraid to believe in its real life possibility.

Yet, I live it and experience it every day. I use light energies to gain strength, radiance, discipline, magnetic powers.

When it comes to explaining this meditation, I can’t think of any other way to justify people becoming friendlier around me, helping me, giving me opportunities while all the time I am inspired and courageous, than by saying that I am using the force and incorporating the force into my being when I practice this meditation.

In fact this is true about every other practice which is based on using the Light energy.


Radiance is not about how beautiful your skin is, or how enticing your smile is or that “je ne sais quoi” quality.

Radiance is the courage you bring to your life, the courage you show to be who you are. It is because of this quality you become attractive (meaning magnetic). People love to be around authentic, strong people.

Just read the translation of the mantra, there is nothing meek about it, there is nothing about the inner light of a beautiful woman. It’s just collection of super powers. That is what you are connecting with when practicing this mantra.


PS: Do you want to really submerge yourself in the practice of these super powers?

Check out my PRO-SPIRITY IMMERSION PROGRAM (starts at the end of January)

Early bird pricing ends on 12/31/16


Alai Alai Meditation for Radiant Body


Ajai Alai – Invincible, Indestructible.
Abhai Abai – Fearless, Unchanging.
Abhoo Ajoo – Unformed, Unborn.
Anaas Akaas – Imperishable, Etheric
Aganj Abhanj – Unbreakable, Impenetrable.
Alakkh Abhakkh – Unseen, Unaffected.
Akaal Dy-aal – Undying, Merciful
Alaykh Abhaykh – Indescribable, Uncostumed.
Anaam Akaam – Nameless, Desireless.
Agaah Adhaah – Unfathomable, Incorruptible.
Anaathay Pramaathay – Unmastered, Destroyer.
Ajonee Amonee – Beyond birth, Beyond silence.
Na Raagay Na Rangay – Beyond love, Beyond color.
Na Roopay Na Raykhay – Beyond form, Beyond shape.
Akarmang Abharmang – Beyond karma, Beyond doubt.
Aganjay Alaykhay – Unconquerable, Indescribable.



Finger are interlaced and raised above your head, reaching slightly behind, above your neck. Thumbs are relaxed and not touching.


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Sat Nam

Zita Harkaran

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