8 Reasons Why I Cleanse Every Year

Every year for past 6 years I go on a month long cleanse. Here are the benefits I have experienced:

  • I lose my winter weight. This is a huge plus because in winter I tend to eat more high-calorie foods and also more processed foods and that leaves its mark on my energy level
  • I feel energized for the rest of the year. What can I say cleansing gives me a high it’s simple.
  • My body feels strong and youthful. And this is not just an external look. I can see changes in my endurance, and ability to withstand pressure. Last year I ran a record times in my daily runs.
  • Radiant skin. I always have dry skin but during and after the cleanse my skin is soft, clear and cellulite disappears. 
  • My mind clears up. I live in a constant state of peace. Memory improves and perception deepens. I see new connection where before I saw boring every day life.
  • I fall in love with spinach all over again. I explore so many different foods that I would never try before. This is so much fun I can’t describe it to those who have not experienced it. 
  • My intuitive connection with my body is strong. I am able to clearly hear what my body needs. What nutrients and what movement it is asking for.
  • Connecting with others like minded folks, sharing recipes and experiences. 

I can hear you thinking: “but Zita, why do you do it for so long?”, “I don’t think I can ever do that.”

The cleanse we do is not a juice cleanse, nor is it a water fast. We eat. It takes about 4 or 5 days for your metabolism to adjust. Once your body adjusts you won’t feel hungry. Your energy level will adjust and after that the body will start to self repair. All organs, skin, mind, and your soul will be going through a regenerative process. We will do yoga and meditation to help this process along. We want to give the body time to do the work. Really the hardest part is to create the shift , these first couple of days after that you are in a different realm of energy.

There are many supplements, inventions and drugs that will help you get close to this state of being but none of them work so naturally or so completely on so many levels at once. 
The hardest thing about it is that you have to change your lifestyle and eating habits for a month. You might think that you’ll be miserable for the time being but the opposite is the truth. This will become the highlight of your year. The world will have new colors, your joy will be deeper and you’ll have really cool experience to share with others. 
So many of our participants come back year after year because how fantastic they felt year before.

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