5 ways to withstand the pressure of motherhood.


We all have been, one time or another, under tremendous pressure and stress, right? Maybe you’ve had one of those days when everything went totally wrong, or maybe you had to withstand continuous baby cry for most of your day, or maybe your whole family has fallen sick and baby’s 4 molars were cutting through all at once. Yes that happened last month 🙂

At that time, you might be aware that the difficulty you are going through, is only a phase, that the pressure will pass and things WILL get better. But what can you do NOW? How can you prevent such a situation?

In this article I’ll share with you ways to withstand the pressure of time.

There are two parts to your central nervous system. Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) and Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS). SNS is your fight-or-flight response of your body. SNS gets stimulated by action, movement, excitement, however many times the system gets overloaded.

PNS is a part of your nervous system that calms you down, relaxes your body and mind. PNS does most of the work in your sleep. It helps to balance and organize all the stimulations of the day. However it is important to support PNS during the day, as well, if you don’t want to feel drained or be overreacting to a simple activity.

Since most moms don’t get enough sleep and are constantly in an alert state, their SNS is overworked and they feel stressed. Of course this doesn’t just apply to moms but all the hard working folks out there.

Here are 5 ways that will help you get more relaxed and initiate your PNS.

1. Breathe. PNS is initiated by an exhalation. Try this, take a long deep breath and then purse your lips and sloooowly exhale all the air out. Make the exhalation very long. Repeat at least 5 times. You can also try it with a mantra, just like in this video .

2. Take regular breaks during the day. Even if you only have 5-10 minutes, try to unplug from any stimuli and rest. If you have a chance, go for a walk outside, take a breath of a fresh air, enjoy the sun.

3. Support your overstressed body with fresh vegetables and fruits. Pick those that are light and easily digested. Avoid processed foods and meats. Try fresh juices. Enjoy your meals and eat slowly. If you can’t find perfect foods, don’t stress about it and enjoy what you have available.

4. Make time for yourself. 

Don’t assume that watching TV or having a drink will relax you. These things work temporality but eventually they overstimulate your system again. Instead choose to spend time alone, meditate, sing with your favorite songs, do yoga. Talk to your friends.

5. Don’t stand for more stress. 

Let’s give up the notion of a supermom. A mom who can handle lunch, laundry, emails, phone calls and play time in one afternoon. Remember your partner wants to help you, he wants to feel involved. Your family and friends want to help you too. Plus you can start to teach your children how to help themselves.

Let’s all strive to be more relaxed and wise mothers.

We were meant to live in a relaxed state with time for contemplation and meditation. Because that is the state that will help deliver even greater value to our families.



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