4 practices to save your mental health

Hello my dear *|FNAME|*

As someone who worked for years on uplifting myself and helped few others to do that as well, I see what is happening on a collective scale as very detrimental to the human psyche and soul. 

The longer this situation lasts, the more detrimental it will be. It will create unsurmountable drifts between people, creating a lack of empathy and cooperation. On a personal level creating depression, anxiety, and disconnection from the heart center. 


1. Focus on building on what you want more of.
Your energy matters. Every single one of us matters. Every one of us expels energy out into the world. Our future does not only depend on politicians, it depends on our collective creative energy output.  
Therefore, what you choose to do with your time should be uplifting, creative, and move you in the direction where you want to go. Focusing on what you are afraid of only makes that thing more likely to appear.
(Please understand me, I am only speaking in terms of energy, based on simple cosmic laws) 

2. Stay respectful, patient, and empathic.
DO NOT get provoked into low states of hate by dehumanizing others and making them into caricatures of some agenda. We are all creatures of God (no matter how hard it is to believe). Wars are created by dehumanizing the other and by making them into monsters. Be understanding, be patient not only on the outside but in your heart.

3. Connect with the 3D world.
Kids are sometimes afraid of the dark, they visualize monsters hidden in the dark because they simply can’t see. Right now, there is so much that we simply can’t see. Therefore, we allow others to interpret it for us. Lo and behold they are coming back to us with the scariest stories imaginable.
Keep your sanity, connect with the Earth, go outside, and just be, watch the trees, be with yourself. This is your real world. Your world does not exist in its digital interpretation, or in politics. It exists outside of your windows and in connection with others. 

4. Meditate – hahaha 
Even though you find it hard. Benefits of meditation are not oftentimes felt while you are doing it. It is ok to feel bored, restless or scattered 
Meditation brings discipline to your mind. It establishes You and your consciousness as the master of You. The human mind is a fickle thing. It attaches to the most entertaining thing but not always the most beneficial. It needs guidance. Meditation is unifying your mind with your soul and consciousness. 
The benefits of meditation show up in how you respond to events in your life. Make 11 minutes your daily minimum. 

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