28th Pauri of Japji: unites you with God. The 28th pauri is the strongest permutation and combination of words inthe world. It unites you with God.This pauri starts personal instructions to us by Guru Nanak. “May you wearThe earringsOf deep contentment.Be the constant remembranceOf Spirit within you.May humilityBe your begging bowlAnd the shawl in whichYou carry your belongings.“In essence, this pauri tells us to be careful to not fall into pride and ego.When we experience success in life, we automatically want to show it off. We buy a new car, we start dressing fancier, we go for more extravagant vacations, and so on. However, true human happiness and strength is not in these flashy things but in constant remembrance of the spirit that is working through you. So please remember the words from this pauri when the temptation for greater comfort, flashy things, or praise comes your way.British musician and a yogi, Benjahmin, created the most amazing version of this pauri. It’s in rasta style, upbeat and fun but the humility and beauty of Benjahnmin’s voice rings true to the message of this pauri. However it is not fit for recitation but a lot of fun to listen to.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQF6RT-cYs